Team Banners
Team banners are a source of pride and identity, and each team should proudly display their banner at each game and on Picture Day. Typically, teams have banners in some form or another. There are only a few rules:
· You may put player’s FIRST names only on the banner. DO NOT put first AND last names or uniform numbers. (Note: Just putting uniform numbers with NO NAME is OK too, but kids like to see their name.) This is done for the child’s safety. If you are using a child's photo, DO NOT associate their name or number with their photo. Besides your team’s name, do not forget your coach, assistant coach, and team parent. You may also want to include your Team Number.
· Team names should be fun and non-political. If there are any questions regarding the appropriateness of your team’s banner content contact [email protected]

· Please be careful with banner placement. Please place it at least 10-15 feet back from the field.
Banners that do not adhere to the banner policy may not be included in team photos or displayed on the sidelines at games.