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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Welcome to Region 75 Celebrating 50 Years Serving Whittier - Santa Fe Springs - Norwalk



Region 75 FAQs

(Frequently Asked Questions)

Information may be subject to change


Q. Do I belong to Region 75?

A. While players may register in any region, the “boundaries” of Region 75 are generally considered to be the same as those of the Whittier High School District attendance area. Whittier, Santa Fe Springs, Norwalk & La Mirada. AYSO has open registration, and we welcome all players, but we would prefer you to make an informed decision.


Q. Is my child the right age for AYSO soccer?

A. Children between the ages of 4 and 18 as of December 31 of the year in which the Fall season begins can play AYSO soccer.


Q. Who do I contact with questions?

A. Most questions can be answered on our website. Please check there first. If you cannot find the answer you are looking for email [email protected].


Q. What division will my child be in? Why are they in a different division than some of their classmates?

A. AYSO is a national organization that determines the player divisions based on birthdates in a calendar year. Currently the AYSO "year" runs from January 1 to December 31. Many children are in "different" divisions than their classmates. We encourage you to view this as a positive experience - it will allow your child to broaden their relationships outside of school and enjoy making new friends. An Year Age Determination Chart is available to view on the Region 75 website.


Q. How, when, and where can I register my child?

A. We begin our online registration as early as April and can be held as late as mid-June. Spring registration begins in November. Watch the calendar and web page for specific dates, times, and locations.


Q. What is the region's mailing address?

A. AYSO Region 75 - P.O. Box 5463, Whittier, CA 90607-5463


Q. Can I just drop off the registration form at your office?

A. AYSO Region 75 is an all-volunteer effort, we have no office. We are a group of volunteers working out of our homes between working and raising families.


Q. What equipment will my soccer player need?

A. Equipment needed:

•         Full-coverage shoes are required, and it is advisable to use shoes designed specifically for soccer (rubber cleats with no toe cleat).

•         Shin guards are mandatory during practice and games. Shin guards must be underneath socks and fully covered.

•         It is recommended that each player have their own soccer ball of the appropriate size for their age. However, if a player does not have a soccer ball, the coaches will have a ball the player can borrow during practice.

•         Each player will be issued a uniform consisting of shorts, jersey, and socks. Lost uniforms will need to be replaced by the participant.


Q. What does U05, U10, etc. stand for?

A. The "U" in each of those divisions stands for under. Players in U05 are less than five (four years old) on December 31 of the year of the fall season. Players in U10 are less than ten years old (eight or nine years old) on December 31 of year of the Fall season.


Q. When does the seasons start and end?

A.  Fall Season

•         U5 & U6 begins the Friday after Labor Day and ends before Thanksgiving.

•         U7 – U14 begins in August and ends before Thanksgiving.

           º   U10 – U14 play may be extended due to playoffs.

•         U16 & U19 will begin in August and end in October.


All-Star Season

•         U10 – U14 only

•         December – January


Spring Season

•         U5 & U6 will begin early March and end before the Memorial Day weekend.

•         U7 – U19 will begin in February and end before the Memorial Day weekend


Q. Where will my child practice?

A. All practices will take place at Sierra Fields.


Q. When will my child practice?

A. Practice times are determined by coaches. Practices are either Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday. Practices may begin as early as 5:30pm and end as late as 8:30pm. 

•         U5 & U6 will only practice on Friday nights beginning at 6:30.

•         U7 – U10 will practice twice a week for 1 hour per night.

•         U12 – U19 will practice twice a week for 1½ per night.

•         Be aware that some coaches may choose to practice only once a week.


Q. When and where are games played?

A. Games are to be played according to the schedule distributed in advance. Games are played weather permitting, unless notified to the contrary by the Regional Commissioner at least one hour prior to the starting time. Practice sessions may be cancelled or rescheduled at the discretion of the coach or Region 75.

•         U5 and U6 will have all of their games at Sierra Field on Friday nights. 

•         U7, U8, and U10 will have all of their games at Sierra Field on Saturday for the fall season. For the spring season, some U8s and U10s may travel to local regions. Start times can be as early as 9:00am and as late as 1:30pm. 

•         U12 and U14 will have games at Sierra Field but may also have games at other fields in Area E (Cypress, West Garden Grove, Los Alamitos, La Habra, Cerritos, and Long Beach). Start times can be as early as 8:00am and as late as 3:30pm. 

•         U16 and U19 will have some games at Sierra Field but will also travel to other Areas in Section 11 located in Los Angeles and Orange Counties.


Q. I would like to have my child placed on the same team with [Joey/Susie down the street] for carpooling purposes. Is this possible?

A. A request to be with a friend may be made for children in the U05 and U06 divisions only. The Division Directors try to accommodate a request, but there are no guarantees. If the wish can be granted while still maintaining team balancing, the Division Director will give it strong consideration.


Q. My child has [gymnastics/swimming/baseball] on Tuesdays and Thursdays and will sometimes have conflicts with Saturday games. Can he/she be placed on a team that practices on Monday/Wednesdays?

A. Due to practice and playing field limitations, volunteer coaches’ scheduling difficulties and team balancing issues, this may not be possible. One of the tenets of AYSO is that “Everyone Plays”. If your child will consistently have to miss practices and/or games, please think carefully about whether AYSO is right for your child at this time.


Q. When I registered, I specifically asked that my child be placed on a specific coach’s team. I just got a call from a coach I had never heard of before. Can I switch teams?

A. You may request to have your child play for a specific coach but there is no guarantee that we can accommodate your request. We have to ensure that we follow AYSO’s philosophy of Balanced Teams. The only way to control who your child’s coach is, is to volunteer as a coach yourself.


Q. "I work full-time." "I am a single parent." "I don't know anything about soccer." "I don't have time." How can I help?

A. AYSO is an all-volunteer organization. There are numerous positions to be filled and tasks to be completed. Some commitments can be completed in a few hours. In addition to coaching and refereeing, there is field preparation, team parent, player registration staffing, data entry maintenance, Skills and Drills Days and Picture Day staffing, volunteer registration, training administration and regional board openings. Log on to: and follow the directions to “Apply” as a volunteer we’ll put you to work. Remember – “PLAYSOCCER” means everyone plays!


Q. Can I bring my Dog to a Game?

A. Dogs are NOT allowed at practices or games at any of the facilities for which AYSO obtains use permits. Pets on ASYO Fields Link


Q. My child will not be 4 years old by December 31, but he/she is very [big/strong/athletic/coordinated] for his/her age. Can we still sign up for the upcoming fall season?

A. AYSO is a national organization with very strict guidelines regarding age requirements. Therefore, we need to see a child’s birth certificate prior to completing registration. Children who do not meet the age requirement are not permitted to play. Be patient – they’ll grow up before you know it! Some players who are not eligible for fall soccer may be eligible for spring soccer.


Q. Is there a program for children with special needs?

A. AYSO offers their Everyone Plays In our Communities (EPIC) Program. Unfortunately, Region 75 does not have any volunteers to support this program. If you are interested in becoming an EPIC Director and beginning this program at Region 75, please reach out to us at [email protected]. For now, a neighboring region may have a program in place, so “Everyone Plays”.


Q. Is Core different from EXTRA™?

A.     Yes! Core is our main program for recreation-level soccer. It is where the vast majority of our players play. Core is open to all players -- as long as we have enough volunteer coaches then any player who registers gets to play on a team.

 AYSO EXTRA™ is a different program from Core. EXTRA is for players seeking a more advanced and more competitive level of play. EXTRA players must be evaluated at try-outs. EXTRA teams are formed through invitation only.


Q. What should I do if I did not find the answer to my question on this page?

A. You may email us at [email protected] and we will forward it to the proper volunteer. Please understand that a volunteer answers these emails and response time is subject to their working schedule.



Please remember that it takes many volunteers to run this great program for your players.

Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they have the heart. Your help is always needed and appreciated.


See you on the field!

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 75 Whittier - Santa Fe Springs - Norwalk

PO Box 5463 
Whittier, California 90607

Email Us: [email protected]
Phone : 657-210-2475
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