The SAFETY of our players is of utmost importance. We aim to provide a safe and nurturing environment where children can play and have FUN.We do this by ensuring that all volunteers are trained and certified for the job they do. By requiring background checks and safety training, volunteers are better prepared to ensure the safety of our children.
If you have any questions or concerns about any safety aspects of Region 75, please contact the Safety Director at
Welcome to Safe HavenSafe Haven PoliciesAYSO Safe Haven Handbook
Concussion Awareness Action Plan
US Soccer Concussion VideoSudden Cardiac Arrest (CSA)
A Safe Haven certification is a requirement for every AYSO volunteer. No one is allowed to help at AYSO practices or games without this certification. All team coordinators will also need to attend this course.
PO Box 5463 Whittier, California 90607